Kunai - Naruto 3 Kunai - Naruto 3

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Cheat Maximum Level Talent Ninja Saga

Ninja Saga Cheat. No need to use Talent Points! Max out your talent skill level Follow the instructions below:

What you need:
Charles Proxy Deebugging Tool
Any kind of web browser
Your Ninja with bloodline or talent
You :)

Let's Start Cheating:
Open Ninja Saga stop at the character selection screen

Open Charles Proxy Debugging Tool

Click Enable Break Point icon

Go back to Ninja Saga select your character then click Play

Go back to Charles Proxy Deebugging Tool click Execute 7 times

Click Edit Response Tab then AMF tab find bloodline Expand [0] to [9] folder

From [1] to [9] folder find level and change value to 10 (Double click then type 10 to change value. 10 is the level you want)

Click Execute then disable Break Point

Back to Ninja Saga. Wait until the game completes loading.
Check your Talent all of your skill are max out to Level 10

Terjemahkan cheat ini di Google

Cheat Attribute Ninja Saga

alat alat
 -1. Cheat engine
 -2. Browser

Caranya :
    1. buka ninja saga dan buka cheat engine
    2. Di Cheat Engine scan goldmu
    3. klik 5x address yg muncul
    4. modify 2 digit terakhir address menjadi(kode lihat dibawah)
    5. lalu ubah valuenya sesuka kalian
    6. masuk mission room
    7. keluar dan kau akan melihat hasilnya di profilmu

Code :  88 = Water
            90 = Earth
            8C = Wind
            84 = Fire
            94 = Lightning

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill

cheat ini kemungkinan work mulai awal September sampai pertengahan Desember mendatang

Alat : Cheat Engine

   1. buka Ninja Saga
   2. Install Cheat engine
   3. di open process pilih browsermu(jika pakai mozilla pilih plugin container exe)
   4. ganti 4 bytes dengan array of bytes
   5. scan kode 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
   6. lalu first scan
   7. ubah valuenya menjadi 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2

lalu bantai semua boss yang ada Ha Ha Ha

Selasa, 06 September 2011



"Move like a flash, and good at using Lightning Release" —Takachi's description.

Takachi is a thunderbird pet. This pet can be obtained by having 25 friend invites accepted. The previous pet that can no longer be acquired by having 25 friend invites accepted was Katsura.


Basic Attack (Lv. 1) - Pet's basic attack.
Thunder Strike (Lv. 10) -
This attack requires a training of 10,000 Gold
Thunder Bolt (Lv. 20) -
This attack requires a training of 20,000 Gold
Thunder Scream (Lv. 30) - Increase master's attack damage by 5% (5 turns).
This attack requires a training of 30,000 Gold + 6 Level 1 Magatama + 4 Level 2 Magatama + 2 Level 3 Magatama
Secret: Thunder Shadow (Lv. 40) -Blind targer for 5 turns.
This attack requires a training of 40,000 Gold + 10 Level 1 Magatama + 8 Level 2 Magatama + 6 Level 3 Magatama + 4 Level 4 Magatama + 2 Level 5 Magatama


Dorimaru is an event pet that can be obtained by completing Grade 5 of the Ninja Challenge during the 2nd Anniversary of Ninja Saga. It is a fire bird just like the Shikigami Dori except smaller.


Basic Attack (Lv. 1) - Pet's basic attack.
Multi Fireball Slash (Lv. 10) - Blow fire balls out, target's HP will be burnt down by 2% in each turn. (2 turns)
This attack requires a training of 10,000 Gold.
Fiery Flame (Lv. 20) - A fire based attack that comes out from the pet's mouth, target's HP will be burnt down by 2% in each turn (2 turns)
This attack requires a training of 20,000 Gold + 5 Level 1 Magatama.
Flame Burst (Lv. 30) - Attack target with a fire storm, target HP will be burnt down by 2% in each turn. (3 turns)
This attack requires a training of 30,000 Gold + 6 Level 1 Magatama + 4 Level 2 Magatama + 2 Level 3 Magatama.
Secret: Burning Feather (Lv. 40) - Put fire on itself, attack damage increased by 100% (3 turns)
This attack requires a training of 40,000 Gold + 10 Level 1 Magatama + 8 Level 2 Magatama + 6 Level 3 Magatama + 4 Level 4 Magatama + 2 Level 5 Magatama.

Pet Info


Pets can be purchased at the Pet Shop. Additionally, you can exchange 25 invites for Katsura. These are only avaliable for Chunin (level 20 and above) and Jounin.


Pets will fight with you in battle as a separate entity with their own turns, their own stats, and thier own health bar. They begin as weak entities, doing only 1 damage per round, but will then level up to become more powerful.


Eriko - 100,000 Gold
Chiko - 100,000 Gold
Suzu - 100,000 Gold
Suki - 100,000 Gold
Leiko - 100,000 Gold
Inokuchi - 100,000 Gold
Keiko - 400 Tokens
Kame - 25 invited accepted (no longer available)
Easa - 400 Tokens + emblem
Zoshi - Any purchase made between 7/20/10 - 8/4/10 during the 1st Anniversary event
Yamaru - 400 Tokens + emblem
Kisuke - A Jack-O-Lantern pet given with any purchase during the Halloween event
Hiragi - A Turkey pet given with any purchase during the Thanksgiving 2010 event or to the players who lost skills during that time
Yukidaruma - A Snowman pet given with any purchase during the Christmas 2010 event
Yajiro - A bat pet found on players' profiles after they train Yamaru but it was on available during halloween
Kumayoshi - A teddy bear pet given on the Valentine's Day 2011 event after completing the fifth Sage Romance mission
Raita - A dog pet given by Lucky Draw on 1st anniversary
Shika - A reindeer given during Christmas event
Easter Egg - A pet given as any official payment
Itikura - A bunny pet given as a festival reward on the Easter Egg Hunting 2011 event
Rakura - An upgraded bunny pet given as a super reward on the Easter Egg Hunting 2011 event after unlocking Itikura
Katsura - 25 invites accepted (no longer available)
Tomaru - 400 tokens + emblem
Ponpoco - A pet Racoon with an umbrella as its primary weapon. This pet can only be acquired during the Ninja Saga Hanami Festival 2011 Event after completing a set of required items to be gathered
Takachi - 25 invites accepted
Kyubi - Claiming it between 8/5/10 - 8/14/10 by purchasing a Ninja Emblem, 7,500 Tokens, or 2,200 Tokens.
Dorimaru - Claiming it as a reward during Ninja Saga's 2nd Anniversary festival.

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

NINJA SAGA : Trick merekrut teman yang levelnya lebih tinggi dari kita

Alat : 1. NINJA SAGA (clan)

 1. Mainin NS
 2. Masuk Clan
 3. Masuki Clan Battle
 4.Rekrut teman yang levelnya lebih tinggi
 5. setelah itu pilih Manual (jangan quick)
 6. saat bertarung gunakan Smoke bomb atau click Run
7. Setelah itu baru jalanin misi terserah kamu

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Cheat Infinite money all game pc(not online)

1. download cheat engine
2.di open process pilih game yg akan di cheat
3. scan jumbah uang
4.usahakan jumlah uang berubah, scan jumlah uang sekarang kemudian click next scan
4. ganti valuenya menjadi 999999 lalu freeze

cheat Plant vs Zombie : infinity Sun

1. download cheat engine
2. mainin game plant vs zombie
3.setelah didownload installlah cheat engine nya
4.di open process pilih Plant vs Zombie
5.Scan jumlah mataharimu (misal 50)
6. lalu klik new scan
7. usahakan setelah itu jumlah mataharimu berubah setelah berubah scan jumlah sunmu sekarang
8. lalu next scan
9. ubah valuenya menjadi 9999 lalu freeze